Introduction: Dyanbol Lite(dbol – 10mg – 100 Tabs
Dosage 10mg/tab
Total amount 50tabs
Component Methandienone
Product Overview
Dyanbol-Lite 10mg is one of the best-selling oral steroids for sale in the market. Because it quickly increases mass and strength, it?s popular with anabolic newcomers.
Dyanbol Lite 10mg fast effects help ?jump start? any cycle. Bodybuilders take the drug at the start of a cycle to see results while waiting for injectable anabolics to take effect. Dianabol users report strength and muscle gains.
How it works
Dyanbol Lite 10mg has both androgenic and anabolic effects. These effects will quickly build muscle mass and strength. The Dianabol tablet is often combined with injectable testosterone products like enanthate, cypionate, and sustanon to ?kick-start? the cycle and improve muscle mass, strength, and muscle pumps before the longer acting testosterone esters take full effect.
Proper Use and Dosage
Males typically use Dyanabol Steroids in a dosage range of 25-100 mg a day for a period of 4-10wks, and 10mg a day for bridging or PCT purposes for as long as needed.
Dyanbol-Lite 10mg can be taken in a low dose (10 mg a day) during PCT or in between cycles to keep androgen levels high and to maintain strength and mass, while allowing the body?s natural testosterone levels to be regained.
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